Welcome to the World of
Lu Jong – Tibetan Healing Yoga

Start your day with Lu Jong and change your life. No matter where or who you are:
see your health improve, your mind become calm and your emotions balanced.
Meet your newly energized You – every day!

“Lu Jong is meditation in movement.
Lu Jong is the way to reach
the silence of the mind.”


“Lu Jong is meditation in movement.
Lu Jong is the way to reach the silence of the mind.”


The Benefits of Lu Jong

The Benefits of Lu Jong

Physical & spiritual practice in one

Suitable for everyone

Little time investment but great benefits

Your self-healing powers are activated

Your mind becomes calm and clear

Your energy increases

Your Method

Lu Jong – Tibetan Healing Yoga

Your Path

A Short Daily Practice

Your Result

A Healthier Body & A Happier Mind

Begin exploring this fascinating and enriching experience right now!

Start Your Lu Jong –
Tibetan Healing Yoga Practice!

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Get to know our Certified Lu Jong Teachers.